"We need to set about, in an orderly, sensible, and cooperative way, a system of replacing power-centred politics and political hierarchies with a far more flexible, practical, and information-centred system responsive to research and feedback, and with long-term goals of stability. And we need to do this in an ethical and non-threatening way, so that the transition to a cooperative (versus conflicting) global society is creative (not destructive)." - Bill Mollison

The "State" would be a collection of information states and daily processes that are modulated and moderated by user-feedback. Tasks would be both chosen and assigned. Though random in principle, the assignments would correlate to assignee's skills, handicaps and schedules.
If a person can't or won't do the task presented, nobody shall force him to do it. If there's no one willing to address a certain task, we would eventually push ourselves to do it, for every refusal inputed in the system would raise the task's value, rendering it attractive to its previously reluctant assignees. Tasks that can't be handled by the community would obviously be solved by external contractors.
As the community becomes established and starts generating revenue streams through its organic products and holistic forms of education, the profits generated are distributed to all contributors through an internal gift economy in a sensible way. Sensible towards the efforts and time invested by each person while paying tribute to commitment and responsibility without the need for static pyramidal structures or power-centred politics. Information transparency and availability to all.
The incentive to excel and prosper has never been money or power, but the chance of being a co-creator and catalyzer of our advancement. Within a context of abundance instead of scarcity, a truly remarkable and self balancing economic system based on reputation and value would emerge. One that might need little tweaking on our behalf while tending to the needs of the community as a whole. A spontaneous and comprehensive approach, where everyone's voice and ideas are heard and voted upon accordingly.
A digital currency could act as the medium for this order to emerge at larger scales. Being able to mutually keep track and manage our credit internationally with no intermediares or centralized control is becoming possible, thanks to the crypto-currency phenomenon, an emergent open source internet technology better known as BitCoin.
While young, these technologies spring from emergent areas of information technology. Open source software, social networks and peer to peer technologies are becoming increasingly popular and hold unfathomable potential.